Daily Archives: January 23, 2011

Next up on the reading list…

Note:  If you haven’t read ‘The Friday Night Knitting Club”  or “A Scattered Life” and plan to, you’ll want to skip this blog…

Next up on my reading list is “Knit the Season: A Friday Night Knitting Club” book by Kate Jacobs.  Yeah, I know it’s not fine literature, but I like reading, and I like knitting.  What could be better than combining the two?  Besides, I like me some good chick lit.

I’ve read the first two books in this series.  It’s a rare book that brings tears to my eyes, but “The Friday Night Knitting Club” managed it.  I’m a sucker for mothers dying of cancer.  I cried like a freaking baby when Georgia died.  I saw it coming, of course, but it got me none-the less.  Same with “A Scattered Life” by Karen McQuestion.  We all knew that Roxanne wasn’t going to win her battle with cancer, but the tears ran down my face anyway.  Mother + cancer = guaranteed tears from me.

So anyway, this morning I ponied up $9.99 and downloaded this week’s guilty pleasure read.  I haven’t started it yet, but I’m excited to find out what happens with Dakota and her pals from the knitting shop.  Seeing as it’s the third book in a chick lit series, I’m not expecting to be blown away (movie sequel rules tend to apply to literary sequels).  Sometimes a mindless, entertaining read is just what I need.  Something tells me that this book will fit the bill.

So here’s to book #8 on my reading list, and to the goal of finishing it before January 31. Knocking out 8 books in one month would be a pretty nice accomplishment, particularly when working 55+ hours each week.   Then again, after crunching numbers and staring at a computer screen for that amount of time, a literary escape is essential.

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